AC |
Axiom of Choice. |
adj |
adjugate of a matrix. |
Ai |
Airy function. |
Alt |
alternating group (Alt(n) is also written as An.) |
arccos |
inverse cosine function. |
arccosec |
inverse cosecant function. (Also written as arccsc.) |
arccot |
inverse cotangent function. |
arccsc |
inverse cosecant function. (Also written as arccosec.) |
arcosech |
inverse hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as arcsch.) |
arcosh |
inverse hyperbolic cosine function. |
arcoth |
inverse hyperbolic cotangent function. |
arcsch |
inverse hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as arcosech.) |
arcsec |
inverse secant function. |
arcsin |
inverse sine function. |
arctan |
inverse tangent function. |
arg |
argument of a complex number. |
arg max |
argument of the maximum. |
arg min |
argument of the minimum. |
arsech |
inverse hyperbolic secant function. |
arsinh |
inverse hyperbolic sine function. |
artanh |
inverse hyperbolic tangent function. |
Aut |
automorphism group. |
Bi |
Airy function of the second kind. |
Card |
cardinality of a set.(Card(X) is also written #X, #X or |X|.) |
cdf |
cumulative density function. |
char |
characteristic of a ring. |
Cl |
topological closure. |
cos |
cosine function. |
cosec |
cosecant function. (Also written as csc.) |
cosech |
hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as csch.) |
cosh |
hyperbolic cosine function. |
cot |
cotangent function. |
coth |
hyperbolic cotangent function. |
cov |
covariance of a pair of random variables. |
csc |
cosecant function. (Also written as cosec.) |
csch |
hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as cosech.) |
curl |
curl of a vector field. (Also written as rot.) |
deg |
degree of a polynomial. (Also written as ∂.) |
del |
del, a differential operator. (Also written as ∇.) |
det |
determinant of a matrix or linear transformation. |
dim |
dimension of a vector space. |
div |
divergence of a vector field. |
dom |
domain of a function.(Or, more generally, a relation.) |
End |
categories of endomorphisms. |
Ei |
exponential integral function. |
erf |
error function. |
erfc |
complementary error function. |
exp |
exponential function. (exp x is also written as ex.) |
Ext |
Ext functor. |
ext |
exterior. |
first-order logic. |
Frob |
Frobenius endomorphism. |
Gal |
Galois group. (Also written as Γ.) |
gcd |
greatest common divisor of two numbers. (Also written as hcf.) |
GL |
general linear group. |
grad |
gradient of a scalar field. |
hcf |
highest common factor of two numbers. (Also written as gcd.) |
Hom |
Hom functor. |
iff |
if and only if. |
Im |
image of a function or imaginary part of a complex number |
inf |
infimum of a set. |
int |
interior. |
Ker |
kernel. |
lcm |
lowest common multiple of two numbers. |
lg |
common logarithm (log10) or binary logarithm (log2). |
left-hand side of an equation. |
Li |
offset logarithmic integral function. |
li |
logarithmic integral function or linearly independent. |
lim |
limit of a sequence, or of a function. |
ln |
natural logarithm, loge. |
log |
logarithm. (If without a subscript, this may mean either log10 or loge.) |
language of set theory. |
Lub |
least upper bound.(Also written sup.) |
max |
maximum of a set. |
Min |
minimum of a set. |
mod |
modulo. |
Mx |
matrix. |
need to show. |
Ord |
ordinal number of a well-ordered set. |
probability density function. |
Pf |
proof. |
projective general linear group. |
Pmf |
probability mass function. |
Pr |
probability of an event. |
projective special linear group. |
Ran |
range of a function. |
Re |
real part of a complex number. |
resp |
respectively. |
right-hand side of an equation. |
Rk |
rank. |
Rng |
non-unital ring. |
Rot |
rotor of a vector field. |
required to prove. |
sec |
secant function. |
sech |
hyperbolic secant function. |
seg |
initial segment of. |
sgn |
signum function. |
sin |
sine function. |
sinh |
hyperbolic sine function. |
SL |
special linear group. |
Sp |
linear span of a set of vectors. (Also written with angle brackets.) |
Spec |
spectrum of a ring. |
st |
such that or so that. |
[it is] sufficient to prove. |
sup |
supremum of a set.(Also written lub.) |
supp |
support of a function. |
Sym |
symmetric group (Sym(n) is also written as Sn.) |
tan |
tangent function. |
tanh |
hyperbolic tangent function. |
the following are equivalent. |
Thm |
theorem. |
Tor |
Tor functor. |
Tr |
trace, either the field trace, or the trace of a matrix or linear transformation. |
var |
variance of a random variable. |
walog |
without any loss of generality. |
wff |
well-formed formula. |
wlog |
without loss of generality. |
WO |
well-ordered set. |
wrt |
with respect to or with regard to. |
want to prove. |
want to show. |
ZF |
Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms of set theory. |
Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms (with the Axiom of Choice) of set theory |